Saturday, April 12, 2014

Week 1 in Review- Breakfast

I love breakfast.. I'm serious.  I love it.  Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, homefries. All of it.  Yum.  My breakfast this week....and maybe for the whole 30 days was 2 scrambled eggs from Nellie's Cage-Free eggs, a large handful of spinach, and 2 Jones Dairy Farm Little Pork sausages.

Sorry... I forgot to take a picture and started eating it.
Depending on my morning routine I sometimes make the dish the night before or in the morning.  I take out 2 sausage links and throw them in a non-stick pan on med-high heat with about 1/3 to 1/2 cup of water.  I cover it so it can steam cook.  While the sausage is cooking, I whisk together 2 whole eggs.  The sausage will be done when the water boils away.  I take out the sausage and cut it up and toss a large handful of spinach in the hot pan along with the cut up sausage and let wilt.  Once the spinach wilts I pour in the whisked eggs and grind some salt and pepper.  Once the eggs are set, I flip it and cook the other side for a few minutes until its done (Sorry, I don't time it...they're eggs... cook it until it's done but not burnt.).

I bought a cantaloupe and cut up an 1/8 of it into chunks to go with my eggs.  It's a perfect breakfast.  I don't even miss the cheese.  :)

Week 1 in Review- Lunch

I started on Monday after enjoying a Sunday night friend dinner of wine, prosciutto fig flatbread, beef stew, and brownies with  homemade caramel sauce and gelato.  It was delicious.

The Saturday before I began my whole30 I started making beef bone broth from "It Starts with Food".  In hindsight, I should have boiled the bones on their own in order to better scoop up the scum and then added the veggies later. Oh well. It still turned out really delicious.

Bone Broth Ingredients

The crockpot I borrowed from my mom....that may actually predate me.

The finished product- faux pho

My lunch for the week was the bone broth, a handful of trimmed green beans, 1/2 of a red pepper diced, a handful of diced onion and a large handful of cube steak. I stir fried the veggies and meat together with a tablespoon of coconut oil and added 1/4 tsp of ginger and cinnamon to it before packing it up.  At work, I heated it all up together in a big bowl and ripped some basil into it.  It was awesome!

What is your favorite lunch?

Friday, April 11, 2014


Wow… it’s been almost 2 years since I last posted.  Where did I go?!?! Well, as luck would have it, I injured myself and ended up getting my foot looked at.  Apparently, I have SEVERE protonation and got super fancy shoe inserts.  This took all summer from start to finish. 

September of 2012 was like the party that never ended.  Mark and I went to the Brass City Brew Fest and drank waaaay too much.  We had a great time with our best friends, perfect weather, and great vendors. 

A few weeks later we went on our yearly trip to Stowe with our close friends, Mike, Kristina, and Colin.  We had a weekend (completely) full of British cars, brewery after brewery, and amazing local food.  What more could you ask for?

"My" Triumph  <3<3
Hill Farmstead tasting

Loving on the baby cows at one of the dairy farms we visited
 Well, we came home from Vermont (after buying one too many growlers and bottles of hard to find beers) only to find out that I was pregnant!  Once the shock wore off, it became a whirlwind of preparations, baby classes, celebrations, and getting ready.
My friend, Frank, at the "Baby-Q" our BF's threw for Mark and I

The beautiful and delicious cake from Chickadee Hill Cakes

My Sister, Jen, and I at my baby shower

On June 9th at 7:22pm we welcomed Elise into the world.


Our first family photo
So Alert!
I got really good at one handed sleeping baby selfies on maternity leave
It's been a really busy and crazy 10 months since she's been born. that we're all caught up... My main reason for resurrecting this blog is to chronicle my Whole30 journey that I started on Monday.  I'll have to back track this first week, but honestly, it really wasn't that exciting.  Just what you want to hear, right?  I hope you keep checking back to see how it all goes!